Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eyeeeeeees O.O

Somehow, my eyes have become somewhat of an attraction.
There are two common situations:

Situation 1:
I'll be sitting by innocently, and someone will bring up the subject of eyes. One of my crazy friend will then say "Omigish! Have you seen Sarah's eyes? They are amazing! I'm so jealous! Look at her eyes"
And then comes the moment, oh that awkward and dreaded moment, when I am obligated to gaze into the eyes of the curious recipient. And all I can think is "Omg, please don't look at my eyebrows"
Then the person will either exclaim "Wow, your right! That is so amazing!" Or they will get this look on their face like ' Why am I looking at this chicks pupils?'

Situation 2:
I'll be hanging out with friends,
helping a customer, or in line at the grocery store, and some random person will look at me and go "OH MY GOSH!" Then I go "Gah, what did I do???" To which they respond "Nothing, you just have a brown spot in your eye" I of course, already know this. But some people seem to think I don't. People say, all the time "Hey, do you know you have a brown spot in your eye?" Nooooooo, thanks for telling me!

Once, someone said "Your full of it up to your eyes!" Gee, thanks!
I also remember a lady freaking out because she thought I had a problem. I had to explain to her that, no, I didn't need to go to the hospital, I was born like this.
All this seems weird, but trust me when I say the weirdest thing is when people who have known you for years suddenly notice. Its kind of funny actually. For real, you just saw that? :P

I'm just glad I wasn't born back in the days of the famous witch hunts! I probably would have been executed!

I'm used to my eyes, and don't think about them much, so it always comes as a surprise when someone points them out.

So, all in all, I really like my eyes, and I'm glad they are something that make people shout in the grocery store, and not something that get me burnt at the stake.

Serbear <3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring, Sprung, Sprong?

Okay so, there is this little thing that I want you to do right now, and it is simply this: Look outside your little window* What do you see? Do you see snow? Do you see a SNOW MAN? Do you see any froooooooooooooooooooost? Because I DON'T!!!!!! (Well, that's because I'm not looking out my window. There is a little snow left here, but shut up your critical thinking and continue reading) So anyways, guess what that means? It means that.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Dramatic pause for suspense* SPRING IS HERE! Ta-da! I bet you never would have guessed it! I bet you never would have EVER! Lucky you, having me here to tell you these things ;) Aren't you simply jumping out of your socks in excitement???? Don't you feel like singing? Don't you just feel like eating a chocolate bunny????? YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!! Check out this picture of my garden:

Guess what those are?



They actually aren't pandas.

I'll give you a few clues to what they are.

Clue #1: They grow.

Clue #2: They are prettiful.

Clue #three: The first letter of their name is not a G.

........ They are TULIPS! xD

If you guessed it before hand, you get three (count em, THREE) imaginary ninjas!

You rock! (Don't spend them all in one place)

So, the point of all this is just to say that Spring is here,

and oh yay what a glad thing it is.

So get outside and enjoy it :)

(That is just another way to say get your butt off the computer so I can use it)

Love, Serbear

*If your window is larger then 3 inches, you are not required to look